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A future-oriented General Assemblyof the European Federation of Jewellery in Brussels

A future-oriented General Assemblyof the European Federation of Jewellery in Brussels

The EFJ members had the pleasure to meet in person for the General Assembly on the 17th of April 2024 in Brussels, in the heart of the European quarter.

On the eve of a new European Parliament and a new European Commission, it was a good opportunity to exchange views on the sector’s future priorities. “Thanks to our efficient work and cooperation, we have consolidated the Federation’s position as a key stakeholder within the European institutions. We will continue this approach in the next legislative period to ensure that the needs of the European jewellery sector will be taken into account.” stressed Bernadette Pinet-Cuoq, President of the European Federation of Jewellery.

The EFJ members also reaffirmed that one of the sector’s top priorities is to ensure the free movement of jewellery articles. Indeed, the jewellery sector remains one of the non-harmonised sectors in the EU. Despite the implementation of the regulation on mutual recognition of goods, operators still face barriers to trade in the EU, which hinders the development of the sector. This is why the Federation is convinced that the harmonisation of precious metal articles is the way forward, with the publication of a regulation to effectively guarantee the free movement of jewellery articles.

Jewellery is one of the flagships of the European creative industries and in 2022, jewellery articles accounted for the largest share (54.4%) of extra-EU exports of cultural goods, worth €13.8 billion. In the context of the publication of Enrico Letta’s high-level report advocating the strengthening of the Single Market, we ask the European Commission and Member States to support our call for harmonisation of the European jewellery sector, which will be instrumental in strengthening the sector’s competitiveness.” stated Laurence Chevillon, Executive Vice-President of the Federation.

The EFJ members also took stock of the state of play of the legislative proposal on “Green Claims”, which will help to fight against some misleading commercial practices on synthetic diamonds and provide consumers with an informed choice and of the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, which will foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. The General Assembly was followed by a series of meetings with Permanent Representations to address the key issue of harmonisation.


The EFJ supports a cross-sectorial framework on due diligence that is pragmatic and implementable

The EFJ supports a cross-sectorial framework on due diligence that is pragmatic and implementable

On the 23rd of February, the European Commission published a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD). It is now being discussed by the co-legislators. As regards the Council, the Czech Presidency is willing to conduct the bulk of the discussions during their mandate (from the 1st of July until the 31st of December 2022). In the European Parliament, the draft report from the rapporteur of the lead Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), Ms Lara Wolters, will be released by the end of October. Debates will follow within the JURI Committee, in cooperation with five associated Committees on Foreign Affairs; Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; Economic and Monetary Affairs; International Trade and Employment and Social Affairs.

In this context, the European Federation of Jewellery released its position on this important matter.

The EFJ believes that an EU-wide cross-sectorial legal framework on due diligence has the potential to significantly influence the way EU businesses will conduct their operations in the future and will define an ambitious threshold for countries and companies globally. However, the new rules have to be pragmatic, implementable and they need to take into account the specificities of the jewellery sector. Given that the European jewellery and diamond sector is fragmented and consists mainly of SMEs, the EFJ advocates for the adoption of an EU legislation that would:  

  • Establish a proportional approach which adapts the burden of the compliance costs to the size and resources of the companies.
  • Set up an appropriate support mechanism to help targeted companies comply with the rules, as well as SMEs that are indirectly affected.
  • Base the due diligence system on an obligation of means rather than an obligation of results.
  • Take into account the existing legislation/certification schemes in the jewellery and diamond sector to ensure consistency.
  • Ensure legal certainty for companies with clear definitions of the risks and duties.
  • Guarantee a level-playing field for EU companies at EU and international level to support EU competitiveness.

The Federation will continue to be fully involved, active and a source of proposals in the decision-making process.


Busy and fruitful meeting day in Brussels for the EFJ

On the 21st of April, a delegation of the European Federation of Jewellery (EFJ), headed by its President, Bernadette Pinet Cuoq, had a series of successful meetings with several representatives of the European Commission. The objectives were to raise awareness about the sector and its main challenges as well as to exchange on several key issues: COSME, the European support programme for SMEs, the EU policies in favour of creative industries, conflict minerals, market access and opening of third countries’ markets and cash payment limits.

Regarding the implementation of the newly adopted EU conflict minerals regulation, the EFJ reiterated its commitment to work with the European Commission, the OECD and the other stakeholders to enhance the due diligence responsibilities of its members.

An ambitious and proactive approach was also defended during the high level meeting with the Cabinet of Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs. The EFJ advocated the adoption of a European harmonisation of cash payment thresholds in order, notably, to achieve a level playing field between the economic actors on the European territory.

The representatives of the European Commission welcomed warmly the EFJ and were happy to get information on this high value sector. This first day of fruitful meetings set the foundation for a deeper involvement of the Federation in the European scene.