
The European Federation of Jewellery was founded in 2013 with the following objectives:

  • To promote jewellery as a key sector of the European industry that contributes to job creation and growth;
  • To exchange best practices between members and disseminate them among external stakeholders;
  • To improve the visibility of the sector among EU institutions and stakeholders by contributing to the debate around EU policies that may have an impact on the sector;
  • To promote and develop a high level of education and training, research and practice in the field of European jewellery manufacturing;
  • To establish links with European and international organisations in order to ensure a good representation of the profession and the promotion of its cultural, technical and material interests.

The members

UFBJOP – Union Française de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, des Pierres et des Perles

Mrs Bernadette Pinet-Cuoq, Executive President
Mrs Laurence Chevillon, Director of Development

AORP – Associaçao de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal

Mrs Ana Freitas, Vice-President

Mrs Fátima Santos, General Secretary

FEDERORAFI – Federazione Nazionale Orafi Argentieri Gioiellieri Fabbricanti

Mrs Claudia Piaserico, President

Mr Stefano de Pascale, General Manager

ARS NOBILIS – Belgische Federatie voor Juwelen & Uurwerken – Fédération belge du Bijou et de la Montre
Mr Michaël Bloch and Mr Frédéric Schoenmaeckers, Presidents
Mrs Charlotte De Groof, General Secretary

AWDC – Antwerp World Diamond Centre
Mr Isidore Mörsel, President
Mrs Karen Rentmeesters, CEO

AEJPR – Asociación Española de Joyeros, Plateros y Relojeros
Ms Cristina Yanes, President
Ms Giovanna Tagliavia, Secretary General

Assamblage – Romanian National Association of Contemporary Jewellery Authors and Designers
Mr David Sandu, President
Ms Valentina Buzamurga, Secretary General